Fox & Bear

Sustainable kid's clothing made for real life

branding | illustration | packaging design


Children grow fast, especially when they are small. Parents who care about sustainability want clothes that will last for a long time, pass on to siblings and that can fit their kids for as long as possible. With prices increasing fast, parents have a hard time affording the clothes their kids need and Fox & Bear want to show that they are part of the solution to more sustainable kids fashion.


We wanted to show the range of sustainability measures that Fox & Bear embrace, from materials and supply chain to offering clothes with extending sizes and a pre-loved program. We also found in our research that a lot of parents with kids ages 2-5 were missing the cute designs most brands only offer for ages 0-2. Stepping away from the beige trend that is sweeping the market, we created a fun and colourful brand based on exploration and adventure.

Our Process

Since parents are an active group online, we started the project by reviewing competitor's social media platforms to looks for trends and common requests or complaints. Once we understood the parent's priorities, we created a dynamic logo that can work just as well on a tiny clothing tag as it does on a big billboard. Next, we expanded the visual language with custom illustrations and patterns to further show the playful values around exploration. The woods were the perfect inspiration because of the company name so the creatures and motifs create a little world of their own. We also worked on the brand messaging to show the focus on real life, sustainable materials and clothes that last even the most intense play.



By showing that Fox & Bear understand the struggles of growing kids and sustainability, there is a real connection with parents.


The custom illustrations and the photography style that shows real kids in action give a sense of connection to the brand.

A clear road forward

The clear visual language has all the ingredients needed to create any campaign or day to day asset with ease.

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Copyright Futureform AB 2024

Bertil Waldens Gata 1, 70215, Örebro Sweden

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